it's thursday, and i haven't written anything here since MONDAY? sorry. blog slacking. i'll make up for it soon, i promise. really, i will.
a few weeks ago, i got a card about a magazine i had never heard of. i suppose they got my name because i subscribe to the utne reader. anyway, the magazine is named
'HOPE', which, of course, intrigued me. the tag line on it is 'inspiring people, encouraging change'. it's a wonderful collection of articles - about families, about alternative building techniques, about people making changes to make the world a better place. at times, i have a quite negative view of the future. i feel like we KNOW how to live sustainably on this earth, but because of the way the world currently 'runs', it seems to be an impossible task. everything from our economic structure, building techniques, land use planning decisions, food choices, environmental regulations - we know how to do it in a way that causes minimal damage to the environment. yet, we don't do it that way. why not?
there is an 'ad' on the last page which i found humorous...mocking the advertising campaigns of drug companies.
today on nancies, someone started a thread about television. claiming that his friends that say 'oh, i don't watch tv' are trying to show off, to act intelligent. of course, a debate ensued. i, personally, don't like tv. at times i HATE tv...actually, everytime i turn it on, i leave it on for a few minutes, realize how stupid whatever i am watching is, and turn it off. i don't even watch jeopardy any more. i do admit that i spend some time on the internet. but it IS different. from
'kill your television' (i want one of those bumper stickers!):
Computers -- especially when networked and internetworked -- are the first technological advance with potential to actually diversify culture. The most exciting computer network in the world is the Internet, precisely because it is the opposite to television -- an active medium, facilitating individual expression and interactive communication on an unprecedented scale. It is the greatest many-to-many broadcasting system yet devised, though much communication remains individual-based.
thinking about tv, and all the things in society that are effected by it (people don't have time to exercise. or cook real food for dinner. or read. or spend time with their children. yet 12.7 million people watched 'american idol' last week)...i wrote up a little rant...didn't really mean to, but i felt better after i did. maybe it will make someone think twice about their tv. somone liked my rant, so i'm going to brag. :P
i have had this taped to my tv (which my husband insists on having. thank god he doesn't want to buy a $3000 tv like his coworker just did. though, i have threatened to throw it out the window when i can't get his attention):
television is a seductive monster that is swallowing more and more of the most valuable commodity in life - time. in 1960, the average american watched 5 hours of tv a day. today, he watches about 7 hours. teenagers watch about 21 hours per week, in contrast to 5.6 hours doing homework, 1.8 hours reading and 35 minutes talking to their fathers.
for most americans, television is the primary - and often the only - source of news. more american households have television sets (98 percent color) than indoor plumbing. three out of four households contain at least two sets, and half possess three or more.
i have had this for at least the past 5 years (it's a yellowed piece of newspaper)
that is just SAD. 12.7 MILLION people watched 'american idol' last week. think if those people would've gone for a walk, talked to their families, worked on homework, cooked a nutritious meal instead of eating fast food and microwave dinners instead during that hour...
and then the advertising is a whole other can of worms...
next time you are watching something, and think 'boy, this is stupid'...TURN if OFF. do something. live! enjoy!
after that rant...i'm going to take my dog for a walk. :)
to which someone said:
That was one of the greatest rants I have ever read.
:) that made my night. and, yes, i used some 'target=_blank' s. why? i like them. :P