Sunday, October 31

happy halloween! friday was my first school halloween party since i was a student - oh my, a school full of kids on a sugar high! it was crazy. the day was a total write-off, learning wise. but, you have to have days like that every so often.

i helped chaperone the grade 7/8 dance in the afternoon. so fun and funny - just like i remembered my junior high dances to be. not a lot of dancing, a lot of standing around hoping you look cool. watching them slow dance was hilarious - and as soon as the music ended, the couple would quickly drop hands and walk away from each other...they're good was fun.

my first student teaching assignment is over - loved it. i enjoyed being in a classroom much more than i thought i would. ideally, i'd rather be outdoors, but financially and practicality-wise, working in a school is a better choice. teaching was fun, interesting, fast-paced and always changing. i must say it was quite a relief to enjoy it so much - to know that i am heading in the right direction!

off to collect food for a halloween food drive...instead of going door-to-door for candy, we're headed out for donations. :)

Tuesday, October 26

i now live across the street from the waterloo public library. :) yoga a 10 minute walk, a gelato place a 5 minute walk, a park a 3 minute walk - and no yard to take care of! i love my house.

aside from an absurd amount of magazines, i spied a new chuck palahniuk book - 'fugitives and refugees'. he's also the author of 'fight club' and 'choke' (and many more...). his books are slightly (well, sometimes more than slightly) bizarre, but real enough that the stories seem just-almost possible.

the book is his view of a city. in this case, portland, oregon. (that's or-a-gen) each chapter is a 'postcard', an event in his life in portand. 'a little history, a little legend, a lot of friendly, sincere, fascinating people who maybe should've kept their mouths shut'.

good so far...

Saturday, October 23

hi! remember me? i seem to be saying that with every other post - life has gotten so busy! i'm student teaching grade 4 science and math in the morning and kindergarten and grade 7-8 phys ed in the afternoon. love it - but, sheesh, it is tiring. plus, i now can sing the canadian national anthem. 'o canada' sure beats the 'star spangled banner'!! i always remember singing 'my country tis of thee' and saying the pledge of allegience instead. don't ever remember singing the 'star spangled banner' in class. who was the genius who thought that would be the best national anthem? didn't they realize that we'd have to listen to this painful tune sung but over-hyped pop singers at sporting events? ;)