ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK & more cool events happening near you!
i found this announcement in my inbox last night. engelbert humperdinck is a cool event? well, at least he has an entertaining name...
i know i usually find the 'lingo' that is often used by people when IMing and text messaging somewhat annoying. i can take (and use) some of them, i admit (brb, lol, haha). the use of words like 'ur', 'cul8r', 'xlnt', etc. tend to frustrate me...hello? vowels? anyone remember those? a e i o u and sometimes y? they cost $250 in wheel of fortune?
anyways, wanna create some lingo? this site will translate your words into 'lingo'...or if you get one of those undecipherable messages, it will translate it into english...
(the translation: "anyways, wanna cr8 som lingo? DIS site wil transl8 yor wrds in2 'lingo'...or f U get 1 of thOs undecipherable msgz, it wil transl8 it in2 eng..." (guess undecipherable isn't a word that can be shortened. then again, that word isn't in the cambridge dictionary... :P)
does being frustrated with this make me old? please say no! :)
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