Monday, August 26

of course, i had to try the ecological footprint test. whever i hear the term 'ecological footprint', i think of a graphic from my sustainability class in college of a giant bare foot bearing down on the Earth. very ominous.

If everyone lived like you, we would need 2.6 planets.

Total Footprint 4.7
In comparison, the average ecological footprint in your country is 9.7 global hectares per person.

i think the results are slightly skewed by the fact that i do not commute to a job everyday. i do what i can, but i also know i could (and should) make a greater effort than i do. i miss living in san luis obispo, where my car would sit for weeks, i walked everywhere, bought my produce at the farmer's market (i miss chatting with the artichoke lady!) and there were much fewer temptations to buy things (small apartment, no money, fewer stores, casual attitude, satisfaction with so much in my life). i doubt i'd ever end up back there, but hopefully somewhere with some similar characteristics.

when i was climbing this weekend, i was chatting with a friend of a friend (who i had met once before)...a great conversation. started by her asking me what i was reading...(margaret atwood, 'the edible woman'), what she was reading (fast food nation), to the fast food industry and marketing to children, to television, to agriculture and organic standards, to natural food stores and co-ops, to the trendiness of organics, to popular opinion, to bush's logging plan (i refuse to call it any kind of management plan. bullshit), to 'typical americans', to family members that shop at walmart and eat junk and have refrigerator shelves full of soda (my sister), to the fact that unless we change, the future is bleak.

it was wonderful to talk to someone who was as passionate (if not more) as i about these things...i need to live somewhere where there are more people who feel this way, i think. i have met some truly wonderful people here, but not many who value similar things...

'the future is no place, to place your better days...'


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