went and saw keller williams again at ziggy's in winston salem. even better than the harvest festival - a great place to see a show, and we were only about 2 rows back from the stage. his facial expressions added much more to the show - and we got a sweet phish cover - stash. he played for over 3 hours!!! tired, though. didn't get home until 3am. *yawn*
had my first group of kids tuesday/wednesday. i survived! it was fun. challenging, hard work, but fun. i had a great group. 7th graders. before we split into groups, the staff introduced ourselves. my coworker, crystal, is from wyoming. after she announced this to the group , and the fact that there are more cows than people in wyoming, a boy raised his hand.
'is wyoming a city or a county?'
this kid is in 7th grade! but, we all had to suppress giggles.
at the campfire that night, i posed a question to the group.
'if you could spend the afternoon with anyone, who would you pick and why?'
one girl told me 'jerry faldwell. because he's really smart and helps people'
then a boy said bill clinton. so he could ask what he *really* did.
it's quite interesting to see how these kids think!
it all went well - the kids seemed to have a great time, even with the frustration that the team building exercises often cause. the accomplished quite a bit, were fearless on the high ropes course, and finally began to listen to each other and not all talk at once. (that was very very very hard to do. you know how loud twelve 12 year olds are??) plus, i received good evalutions from the parent chaperones, who answered the question "was the instructor positive and patient with the students?" with a YES!! on the sheet. yay!! and that i helped the students learn self respect and responsibility, as well as getting them to work together as one. very rewarding. :) i know not every group will be as easy, but i am really happy about my decision to come here. it's been such a positive experience. i feel so content! (but i do wish i had dsl and my cell phone worked!!) can't have it all i guess :P