the only way to peace
i don't fall for that... - dave matthews
i have become a quote junkie here lately - i think because i have more time to read, and no newspaper. my human interactions are mostly with kids half my age - damn, that makes me feel old! - and my coworkers. somewhat of a sense of isolation, but considering what's going on in the world, it's nice. a little ignorant maybe, but nice.
i heard a conversation yesterday, one kid said 'yeah, i worked all summer...,' the other 'you worked?' (they were 7th graders) 'yeah,' said the first one, 'for my dad.'
'i went to new jersey' answered the other.
for some reason, i found this highly amusing. sometimes i wish i had a tape recorder with the kids - when you put them together and have them work as a team, it's interesting to see how their minds work...
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