i'm a traveling (wo)man...currently in sunny (well, today was kinda june gloom-y, which is not really rainy, not even really 'cloudy', more like 'this is so cal, if it's anything but 72 and sunny, the weather sucks') southern california. my little sister is getting her master's degree sunday morning, so i flew in for her graduation. i admit, after being the 'smart' one growing up, it is somewhat painful to have her holding the same 'successful' job (2nd grade teacher) for 3 years and getting a degree whereas i'm on my 3rd career since graduating and my last job paid me $200 a week. yet, i still don't feel like i've made any mistakes. as far as what may be 'expected' of me, yes, but as far as how i feel about my life, no.
had my dad try to justify the fact that single family homes that are in the $500k range are acceptable because your heating and cooling costs are less and you don't have to replace your car 'every 5 years' because of rust. nevermind that southern californians turn their air on if it's over 75 and heat on if it's under 70...tried to explain that not everyone want every day to feel the same. 'wait until you get old,' he said. if i get old and the am driven to move to so cal simply because the weather never changes, someone please shoot me. it's crowded, expensive, image conscious...but there are 5 starbucks within a 5 mile stretch on harbor blvd in costa mesa. :P
i think he's worried because i said i will likely move east. he had a hard enough time with the 'hot' and 'cold' weather in sacramento...don't know how he'd do if i moved to the northeast. but now that i am done in north carolina, soon to be done in sacramento, i can move anywhere i damn well please. and that's pretty exciting. i've pretty much eliminated the midwest and the deep south - other than that, anyplace is game at this point. but, i have a feeling it's going to be east...maybe after living through a brutal winter, i will start understanding my dad's point.
maybe not. :P