Saturday, May 10

today was HOT HOT HOT and HUMID HUMID HUMID. must say i'm not going to miss spending the summer here. thank god for air conditioning in the staff house! i spent some of the day in barnes and noble, reading and drinking a mocha coconut frappachino. i don't think i've ever bought one before.

conversation between alissa and cute starbucks guy:

he: what would you like?
me: well, i have two questions. can you make a soy mocha coconut frappachino?
he: no, sorry, it's premade.
me: ok, what about decaf?
he: sorry, can't do that, either. only the creame ones.
me: ok, i'll have a tall mocha coconut frappachino.
he: even though you can't get soy OR decaf?
me: yup, just checking.

i think he thought i was a total nut. (coconut?)


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