bye! no...
au revoir! no...
adios! chao!
that's better.
off to argentina...excited, nervous, a little scared...i'm sure it will be an adventure!
climb in the back with your head in the clouds and you're gone....
bye! no...
"Environmentalists are a socialist group of individuals that are the tool of the Democrat Party. I'm proud to say that they are my enemy. They are not Americans, never have been Americans, never will be Americans." - Rep. Don Young (R-AK), Alaska Public Radio, 08-19-96
i finally went to see the indigo girls in concert. i first started listening to them my freshman year of college, because an old boyfriend's new girlfriend liking them. how silly is that? listening to a feminist band because of a boy, go figure. never had anyone to go with. their music represents a turning point for me. i had seen that there were other ways to exist in society and the world that were unlike that i was raised in. suddenly there were choices. i could do whatever i want. the change to this took years, though and i'm still learning to ignore my conditioning. not totally, maybe, but to shut that voice up in the back of my head that sounds uncannily like my father's.
from debbie's rhyme and reason:
rant: i think my most despised sound is that of gunfire. i never realized how bothersome it was until i moved into a house w. two guys who like to watch violent movies and play violent video games. and like to listen to the TV really really loud. to me gunfire = people getting killed = not a good thing = not something i'd like to see. i just don't get it. why the fuck would you want to watch people being killed? why would you want to kill anyone in a video game? isn't that the most disturbing crime one can think of committing? i just don't 'get' it - why anyone would want to film it, think of it, perform it. what a twisted society we live in. :(
thanks to shep...i'm a book! i'm a country! i swear i only took the quiz once - and i'm canada! :) see? there was a reason i moved here. and i still love it even though it's march 9th and there's still a couple centimeters of snow on the ground.
You're Canada!
People make fun of you a lot, but they're stupid because you've got a much better life than they do. In fact, they're probably just jealous. You believe in crazy things like human rights and health care and not dying in the streets, and you end up securing these rights for yourself and others. If it weren't for your weird affection for ice hockey, you'd be the perfect person.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
You're One Hundred Years of Solitude!
by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Lonely and struggling, you've been around for a very long time. Conflict has filled most of your life and torn apart nearly everyone you know. Yet there is something majestic and even epic about your presence in the world. You love life all the more for having seen its decimation. After all, it takes a village.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.
the supersized days have ended. mcdonald's has finally decided to stop the supersize promotion. supposedly, that is: McDonald's said in a prepared statement that drinks will still be available as a promotional option.
we're having a heat wave (according to cbc radio this morning) here in canada. it's supposed to be 10 degrees celcius! today's forcast: