it's raining. it's december in ontario. it's not supposed to be raining, is it? go global warming. :/
i have realized there are some skills that are requisite to survive in canada:
1. you must learn how to walk on ice/snow/snowy ice/icy snow/ground that looks perfectly fine but is really super slick black ice without falling and seriously injuring yourself. if you're really good, you can do it without actually falling, but i haven't made it that far yet.
2. who don cherry is. i was informed that i HAD to know that in order to live in canada. i wonder if it's a question on the immagration test?
3. that minus two (celceius) is NOT cold. hell, it's not even hat weather for some. i've seen guys in shorts when it was minus two. i guess double-digit minuses are 'cold'...i wonder what 'fucking freezing cold' is.
there's more...i'm learning. i bought my very own ice scraper (my first!) at canadian tire. i've yet to use it. which, i believe is a good thing, eh?
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