Tuesday, December 16

i broke a nalgene bottle today. i was always told they were unbreakable. i've seen mangled bottles that had been run over with a car (or suv) and only bent, taking on a crumpled can shape, not broken. an outdoor store will have one proudly on display - as if to say 'see? buy one of these bottles. for all those times you almost back over your waterbottle!!' (what i don't get is how they got the car to run over it in the first place? wouldn't it just keep rolling away? did they try to get someone to hold it? weird.) it was one of my first two nalgene bottles, from about 1995. they had a giant graphic of a cat and 'nalgene trail products' written on them. lllooonnnggg before the days of coloured nalgenes. beat up, full of stickers, it's had water from at least 7 states and two countries in it.

i'm sentimental over a nalgene bottle? (mine multiply - i have 5 or 6 now. but this was one of my favourite ones. *sniff*)

interesting: nalgene is actually a lab equiptment company. i wonder how they came to make water bottles, and how/why it's the best material for the bottles.

that would really get the really earthy backpacking types...the extremists. you see, the same company that makes your water bottle makes lab equipment that *could* be used in a lab where animal testing is done. the water bottles aren't vegetarian. (mind you, i'm against most animal testing) hmmm.


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