ok...lost. gotta finish. finally.
i have now figured out i am lost, and i have no clue how to possibly get found. feeling slightly frantic, i decide to head back to where i started from, back to the creek. i trudge back, worried. i come to where i *thought* i started. (little did i know i was about, oh, 10 feet from the trail at this point)...don't see/hear anything/anbybody. now what? decide to try the compass again, but follow the 180 bearing EXACTLY. i hold the compass level in front of me, and eye it as i take each step. i only veer from my course when there is a tree in the way, plowing through all kinds of prickly bushes and plants. after another 30 minutes or so, i am in approximately the same place i was before.
NOW i am REALLY lost. and quite certain that i will never be found. i run scenarios through my head: helicoptors? big search parties? we are miles from anything. everyone must be looking for me. i climb to the ridgeline, trying to see *something* below. i start screaming 'help!' but the wind picks up my voice and carries it way.
calm down, i tell myself. calm down. you have a coat. a warm coat. there is water in the creek. (though, as i now know, that water will likely give me giardia if i drink it) i know how to get back to the creek. i can survive for a few days - though it was so cold at night that our water bottles froze solid. i tried to convince myself that they HAD to find me within a few days, don't they?
standing not far from the ridgeline, i ponder everything. debate going further, just in case. suddenly i catch something moving out of the corner of my eye. a wolf! i can't believe it. pretty big, about 60 lbs, steel grey. wow! he's only about 50 feet from me - he just walks on by, ignoring me, and heads down the hill, in the way i was pondering continuing.
well, i thought, i'm gonna die, but i saw a wolf!
decided not to follow the wolf, and head back to the creek. it's getting dark, and i should probably move down to the water. sobbing, my mouth just parched, i stumble back the way i came...i fell a few times, and my legs became terribly scratched up. i didn't realize this at the time, though. i was just scared.
i get back to the creek. walk up and down it a little. figure i am not going to be found until the morning (hopefully)...decide to splash some untreated water into my mouth. (i highly suspect this is where the giardia may have came from) stood there, thinking, listening.
huh? what was that?
i scream 'HELP' as loud as i possibly can.
someone is calling my name!!!
i yell help louder.
someone yells alissa...we follow each other's voices. a few minutes later, i see kelly and erica. i collapse into the dirt, so thankful. i can't believe it - i'm found! it's going to be ok...what just happened? was this a movie? i explain to kelly and erica what happen - they had been looking for me for 2 hours - running all over the place, following every trail. the group had broken up into teams of two, looking for me.
elated, we turn to find the trail to walk back to camp. kelly and erica had just left it - we were only 10 feet from it, but at first we couldn't find it again. no wonder i walked right over it! headed back to camp, which was, in reality, 10 minutes away. melissa, my instructor, was SO happy to see me, to say the least. i apologize. she apologizes for sending me off alone...she kept saying 'i can't believe i did that' and i kept saying i couldn't believe i just walked off with so little knowledge of where i was going.
we realized the miscommunication - the compass bearing would get me to the TRAIL and the trail would get me to camp. which was in the opposite direction of the compass bearing.
i guzzle a nalgene bottle of lemonade. then water. then i eat. it's not even dark, but i go to sleep. i don't think i have ever been so happy/relieved/'i can't believe that just happened to me' 'd in my entire life.
i wore that compass almost everyday. somehow i felt it would help me - even though it's really what helped get me into trouble in the first place. everyone from the group said they wish they would've taken a picture of me when i returned - leaves in my hair, covered with dirt, my legs all scratched....i apparently looked like i had been lost in the woods for two hours.
i certainly realized how important clear communication is, and for the rest of the trip, i really paid attention to where i was going....whew!
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