Tuesday, May 28

mmm...back to my morning npr fix. happy me. two interesting segments - one on tv families (it's the second segment, if you listen), the other on the internet.

as far as tv families, mary larson, a communications professor at northern illinois university (is it sad that when i cut and paste, i change the capitals to lower case letters?) did an extensive study on different ones - the huxtables (cosby show), family ties, growing pains, the simpsons, etc...her conclusion? that the simpsons were more positive role models than the other families - they supported each other more, the parents were more in charge then in other families, the siblings had better relationships, they were more involved in their community, they were shown going to church, etc. i think the simpsons portray (with a sarchastic twist) a closer example of the american family than the other shows...and people relate to that...it was interesting.

as far as the internet, they talked about it's 10 year history, as well as the future. 10 years. i remember my freshman year in college. my first email address. (email? what the hell was email?) - aagres@aix.flute.calpoly.edu. whew. @yahoo.com is much easier. :) and now i have three emails...little did i know. i remember trying to stake out the computer in the escape route (the rental center/meeting place/gathering hang out spot for outings, the outdoor club at cal poly) so i could surf the little bit of the web that exisited back then...marvelling at animated gifs and web pages with background music.

and now look where i'm at...hell, i just spent most of the past week or so with people i met on the internet! had a great time...my dad met his new wife online (!!!)...i can talk to old friends who live on the other side of the country easily...i got an email from an old high school boyfriend (haha)...i turn to the computer whenever i need information...my computer is on and online 24/7...my work wouldn't exist without the internet.

what will it be like 10 years from now?

a part of me is excited to find out. anothe part of me is a little scared to find out...

damn, i go to the npr page to link the shows i heard and i find this:

john mayer makes room for squares


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