Wednesday, May 22

this REALLY scares me. anyone else?

Nuclear war threat over Kashmir crisis

on npr the other day, they were intervewing reserve pilots who work for the major airlines when they are not on duty. they interviewed one pilot from united, who had this perspective - 'when i fly for the airline my job is to get people to their destination safely and efficiently. when i am on duty i have another job - to bomb buildings and kill people'

why do i hope i never find myself on this guy's plane?

*sigh* running away to the gila sounds was nice not to have to think about the world, be a little ignorant for awhile. except for the night that two military jets swooped over the canyon. so quiet and still..then so loud you had to put your hands over your ears. it was an odd occurance, being so far from anything. found out later there is a military base nearby.


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