Wednesday, August 10

the book baton....

Name three books on your book shelf. One from each end and one from the middle.

beyond civilization - daniel quinn
hope's edge: the next diet for a small planet - frances moore lappe and anna lappe
oryx and crake - margaret atwood

What reading material is in your bathroom?

2 issues of relix, an issue of ascent, an issue of paste

Favorite authors and why.

margaret atwood - not many authors can make me think - really think - about how and why life is like it is and also make me feel like they are inside my own head.

Least favorite authors and why.

don't like mystery/crime/thrillers, so any of 'those' books. i don't do scary.

What author is over rated?

eh, hard to say...there's so much 'fluff' out there.

Would you (have you) picked up a woman (or man) in a bookstore?

have not, don't need to, but seems like a good place to meet someone - er, and you can avoid the guy in the 'military and war' section as well as the one oogling over the emaciated women in cosmo. i think i'd be after the guys hanging out in the travel section.

Do you eat while you read? If so what’s your food of choice?

yup, sometimes. something as un-messy as possible. no to ribs and pizza, yes to ice cream and coffee.

Name one book you’d recommend for someone searching for meaning or insight or inspiration.

haha, i have too many of these type of books...hmm, i'll go with pema chodron's 'comfortable with uncertainty'

Name one book you’d recommend for a day on the beach or a rainy day in the house.

'a short history of nearly everything' - bill bryson. some fascinating stuff.

Do you judge a book by its cover?

yes, to an extent. when browsing in the library, i gravitate to those books with 'attractive'/'interesting'/'aestetic' covers and spines. hey, when you're just 'shopping'(library shopping is the best.) for things to read, something's gotta draw your attention!

In the bookstore, what section do you head to first?

first: for coffee. next: the travel section and the magazine section. last: those fantastic comfortable chairs.

passing this to: erin, tina, terri, anna, kitty


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