Monday, February 9

i expected to find weapons

well, of course you're not going to come to us and say 'well, i just wanted to have a war to finish what my father didn't so i decided looking for scary weapons was a great, plausible excuse.'

saying 'i expected to find weapons' is like when a kid says 'but i thought you said it was ok' after they took their parent's new bmw for a joyride and crashed it. sounds like a very sorry, hollow excuse. he knew better.

here in canada, the overwhelming opinion about the US election seems to be NOT BUSH. we don't care who it is. anyone. please. just no bush. in an opinion poll on, (the cover of their current issue reads 'hope you lose, eh?') 86% said they would NOT vote for bush. i only hope the numbers are that happy come november in the states. some of the quotes by people who participated in the poll are very interesting, if you get a chance to read them. this one explains why i don't care to live in the states again (besides the fact that canadian spelling is cool. :) )

I think the U.S.A. needs a new president to instill pride, peace, tolerance and compassion back into its citizens. Someone new to show the world that Americans are not as arrogant as the world thinks they are. Someone new who could put the economy back on track, who could care about jobs, health and the education system. - Mike C., Montreal, Que.

on a happier and completely unrelated note, an interesting yahoo article talks about dogs being good for young children's allergies - as one researcher put it, 'dogs are more likely to lick you in the face than cats.'

while we never had dogs (due to white carpet and a car-obsessed dad. dog=hair=drool=mess=bad), my mother was never germ-obsessed. clean, yes. but did she go around constantly wiping our hands with anti-bacterial gel or yelling at us not to touch things? nope. my sister and i were very very rarely sick. funny how a whole industry has grown around the 'must keep you safe from germs' idea.


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