as she uses pictures to make up for the fact that she has boring blog entries...looks like john mayer has really hit the big time...or, at least, got some recognition in not-remotely-hip sacramento.
from the sacramento bee:
packing is at the pile stage now. yesterday was laundry and haul backpacking stuff out of the garage day. last night was grab everything you think you may need and put it on the spare bed day. this morning was sort the mess on the bed into relavent piles. clothing for backpack, bath stuff for backpack, random stuff for backpack, stuff for trip that doesn't have to do with the backpack, things that i'm not sure if i am taking yet, and how the hell did this get on the bed it has nothing to do with my trip. lots of piles. i am always paranoid i will forget something important - i make lists, go over them in my head, check items off them...yet something always seems to be forgotten. trying to avoid that...
they did a study recently and discovered something i could of told them without having to survey 2000 people. the findings? americans are rude - a wave of 'discourtesy, profanity, and lack of consideration in daily life.' yup. drive on the freeway. shop at a crowded grocery store on a saturday afternoon (better yet, the day before a major holiday that involves food) and you will witness our self centered society. though, 90% of the people surveyed said they thought that respect and courtesy were contagious. so be nice to someone today. it's sad that it is the exception when you are polite and friendly and should be the norm.
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