oh how i love customer service.
i had two rolls of film to be developed. there was a coupon in today's target paper for a free second set of prints. i took the two rolls to target, filled out the envelopes, requesting a single set and a photo CD for one set, and doubles for the other. no one was at the photo counter, so i asked a red-shirted guy (hoping he was a target employee. he was :) ) if i could get some help.
'oh, he won't be in until 1pm' (it was about 11am)
hmm. he told me i could leave them, and they'd get done when he came in.
'so, they'll be ready about 2pm?' i said.
'2:30pm' he said. for one hour developing? and hour and a half? ok....
bought oil, figuring i could get my oil changed in the meantime. (i use mobil1, so i bring my own oil to jiffy lube). checked out. and...the photo guy was there, taking my film out of the envelope. yay! i walked up.
'so, will these be ready in about an hour?' i asked
'no, more like 1:30pm. actually, more like 2pm'
huh? ok....asked where the nearest jiffy lube was. right down the street. drove there...CLOSED. huh? things in the south tend to close on sundays. which is weird for me. then again, they also dress up for church on sundays, which is just as weird. found another car place.
'we can do it if you can leave your car until 4pm'
no can do. asked if there was ANYWHERE i could get my oil changed on sunday in greensboro.
'nope, we're the only ones open'
went to the health food store and got lunch and read my book. at 2pm, went back to the target photo counter. 3 HOURS later. to pick up my 1 hour photos. wonder what kind of clocks they're using.
'oh,' he said, 'it'll be 10 more minutes.
read cosmo. scary. i can't believe women read that stuff. no wonder men think we're so strange. got the film. came home.
i have one set of prints with a cd, and...one set of prints. no doubles. i think i have bad target photo karma...i call. he told me to just bring in the negatives. i'm now 30 mins away. supposedly, i can bring them in next week for the second set, and they will give me free developing for another roll. we'll see if that happens.
too. damn. funny.
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