Thursday, July 25

wow. dmb makes yahoo news headlines.

ah, the rest of the story. for obvious reasons, i just wasn't in the mood the past two days to finish typing it. on saturday we all went climbing at wild iris. they had a huge pancake breakfast (chocolate chip and banana ones, too!) at the crag, free chalk, and shoes to demo. i tried out some new shoes. did a couple of fun climbs, and headed back to lander for yet another free dinner and a slideshow about patagonia. (the place, not the clothing company :) ). before the slideshow, they finished the giant raffle they had been running, where everyone at the festival had one entry. i tend to have good raffle karma, but so far only one person in our group had won something. they gave away a bunch of tshirts and hats, and some bigger prizes. the only thing i really needed was a headlamp, as i lost mine on my nols trip. first, jonathon won a tshirt, belt and hat. then kelly won a sweatshirt. then julie won a backpack. then i won a pair of patagonia (the clothing company, not the place ;) ) pants.

insteresting story about the pants. i bought the same pair over a year ago. i loved them - even broke down and paid full price for them. after about 6 months of wearing them, the seam began to come apart on them. patagonia has a great return policy, and will also repair any item of theirs that is damaged. so i called them and they said to send them in, which i did. about a week after i sent them, they called and said they couldn't repair them, but would be happy to send me a new pair. unfortunately, they no longer had black, only purple. ick. if i didn't like purple, they'd refund my money, no problem. so, i bought these pants, wore them for 6 months, and then got my money back. :) i didn't rebuy the same pants, because i still couldn't find black ones. then i won them at the festival. two pairs of pants and neither of them cost me any money! :)

and then, dan won a black diamond headlamp, the one i had been exclaiming over because you can get 1000 hours of l.e.d. light out of just 3 AA batteries. woo! good raffle karma once again. :) part III to come...


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