Friday, June 28

go buy trey anastasio's new album. it rocks. :)

i haven't said much of substance recently. been in a funk and the only thoughts in my head are too depressing to write out. life is feeling fragmented, like all of the pieces of places i've been, things i've done, people i've met are scattered haphazardly on the ground, like a shattered windsheild - bordering on utterly impossible to reassemble. even if you can reassemble them, they'll never be in the exact same arrangement they were in before. except i think my insurance deductable for my life is a lot higher than that of my car windsheild ... anyways ... so, here, once again, for your reading, um, pleasure are some depressing lyrics a la dave:

look at how she listens
she says notthing of what she thinks
she goes stumbling through her memories
staring out onto grey street
she thinks 'hey how did i come to this?
i dreamed myself a thousand times around the world
but i can't get out of this place'

there's an emptiness inside her and
she'd do anything to fill it in
all the colors mixed together to grey
and it breaks her heart

oh how she wishes it were different...


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