this is from this very blog, circa 2001. considering it's the 'statment' that i used to get into the outdoor education program here at queen's...and in light of some recent slightly whacky events in my just feels write to have it posted here part to remind myself why i'm here:
i don't know about all of you, i need this again:
follow your heart. think open space. cherish your family. know that all children need love. plant trees. listen for the birds. cherish the land. save prairies, forests, wetlands, woods and streams. stop sprawl. preserve farmland. reserve habitat for wildlife. think small. one small planet. safeguard clean air and water. use alternative energy. recycle. take positive action. work for peace. promote harmony. create joy. love others. teach by example. see beauty around you. enjoy art. collect beautiful things. make mistakes. trust yourself.
i was living in a state of perpetual deja va | the ability to let that which does not matter truly slide | stop trying to control everything an just let go. - fight club
i need to sit down and watch that again. (alissa 11.06.01) --
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