Thursday, August 19

i miss reading shep's blog...i haven't been reading much of anything online lately, aside from school stuff and emails. he linked to a site where they 'discover' the amount of gold actually in goldschlager. wandering through the site, i found they also tested 'how much is inside a roll of paper towels'.

now, i have been wary of paper towels for many years - because the idea of using trees to clean up messes when i could use washable towels seemed wasteful...and they discover how MANY paper towels you really need to clean up a mess. (hint: it's a lot!)

though, they really should think of drinking what i think is the best invention in flavored beverages. CLEAR gatorade. my favourite drinks all seem to be red - strawberry, cherry, fruit-punchy. at camp this summer kids even discussed it in the dining hall....'what's to drink tonight?' - 'red' - as if red were a flavor and not a colour. i also have the tendancy to spill everything i drink onto something. hence, my move to drink more water and less 'drinks' is a good thing.

but, gatorade has invented a clear, red drink. woo! the yummy 'red' flavor without the instantly-staining red colour.

i still think it would take you many paper towels to clean up a whole bottle of it, but at least if you used a regular towel instead it wouldn't end up dyed a different colour in the end.


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