Monday, November 18

please, please someone tell me why they contine to try to make one of the easiest things in the world easier? how difficult is it to make a pb&j sandwich?

1. get bread out of cabinet
2. get peanut butter and jelly out of fridge
3. take out two slices of bread
4. using knife, spread peanut butter one one piece, jelly on the other
5. put two piece of bread together.

now we have frozen 'instant' (didn't it already just take an instant?)pb&j, pb&j kits, and the new!must have!buy now! pbslices. what will they think of next? a loaf of pb&j? (that'd be pb&j's swirled in white bread. crustless, of course. for the 'heathy' ones, there's a 'pretend it's more nutritious than white bread' whole wheat version. process of making frozen pb&j:

1. open freezer
2. dig through freezer-burned veggies, pints of ice cream, long forgotten leftovers, frozen dinners and bags of coffee finally discovering the package under a bag of a costco size package of frozen strawberries
2. tear of plastic wrap, which is almost as hard to open as new cd's
3. tear open cardboard box only to find more plastic
4. open plastic bag and take out one pb&j, pounding on the counter to get it unstuck from the other pb&js, breaking one in half in the process. put broken one back and keep good one
5. place on microwave safe plate
6. read instructions which say 'microwave for one minute, turn and mircowave for two more minutes. you have a carousel microwave, and wonder if it matters if you turn it.
7. place in microwave for 66 seconds. (cook, 66, start, because you're lazy and everything goes in for a repeated number: 111, 44, 33 etc.)
8. beep. take out and turn
9. cook, 222, start
10. take out of microwave, break in half and realize the center is still frozen
11. put back in microwave (cook, 44, start)
12. take out of microwave. see liquified jelly all over the plate
13, wait for it to cool
14. try to push the jelly back into sandwich and eat
15. spill still liquified jelly on favorite shirt
16. go to change and put stain remover on it
17. come back to find the jelly has taken on an odd consistancy and that the bread is now pink from jelly juice (it was strawberry)
18. pick it up to eat it again, take a bite as it falls apart in your hands
19. find that it tastes like kool aid mixed with a peanut-like flavoring with waterlogged white bread and decide to throw it away.
20. make pb&j the 'old fashioned' way

these pbslices seem to be packaged like cheese slices. ever try to peel thin plastic (of which you can never seem to find the opening) of slightly warm cheese slices? now imagine slightly warm peanut butter.

i can't believe they spend money producing products like this. even worse, their 'tag line' is 'the funner peanut butter'. great. teaching kids poor grammar.

think i'm going to have some coffee. no, not instant, not bottled coffee drink, real coffee. from those bean things, ya know?


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